Post-Partum Screening
I have worked with countless women over the years whose pain results from a domino effect of post-partum changes in their body. Sometimes these issues arise during or immediately after pregnancy, but more often they present years later because of chronic core weakness. More importantly, these patients are not always women who had a C-section, developed a diastasis, or experienced any complication during delivery. Many patients I see just simply returned to strenuous ADLs or exercise without appropriate knowledge of how to progressively load a body that just gave life to another human being!
At your post-partum consultation I will:
This session is all about YOU!
At your post-partum consultation I will:
- posture and functional movement patterns
- pelvic floor function
- deep core activation patterns
- hip stabilizer strength
- DISCUSS activity goals for the first year after pregnancy and plans for more children
- RECOMMEND a treatment plan based on evaluation findings
- PRESCRIBE a home exercise program specific to your goals
This session is all about YOU!